
Sunday, 9 August 2020

Delicious Multani Sohan Halwa Recipe in Urdu | Traditional Pakistani Dessert Recipes

Multani Sohan Halwa Recipe in Urdu
Multani Sohan Halwa Recipe in Urdu
What is Multani Sohan Halwa

Best Multani Sohan Halwa Recipe in Urdu is a Traditional Pakistani Dessert Recipes that is eaten and liked all over Asia, most people like it in Pakistan, India, Iran and Afghanistan. This dessert dish is made in different ways, but it is usually prepared with a mixture of milk, flour, sprouted wheat, water, lemons, salt, sugar and ghee which boils until thickened and Be caramel The shape is not ready.

Whether round or square, this Dessert Recipes is usually filled with chopped nuts such as pistachios, almonds and walnuts, and often tastes like fragrant spices such as cardamom and saffron. Once cooled, the dough forms a hard, candy-like texture. I have Kitchen Appliance Packages for you from which you can buy everything you need for your kitchen.

Sweet and sour, Multani Sohan Halwa is sold commercially in beautifully decorated heads and is Traditional Pakistani Dessert Recipes presented as gifts to family members and friends on festive occasions. Originally associated with the Pakistani city of Multan, the real roots of this dessert have long been debated.

Sohan Halwa
Sohan Halwa

According to some sources, it was the original creation of a special Hindu dessert called Sohan, while others call it Dewan Sawan Mall, a well-known governor of Multan, and others suggest that the dessert is of Persian or Iranian descent.

Regardless of who created Multani Sohan Halwa, This admirable Dessert Sweet treat is winning the hearts of those whose teeth are sweet.

Multani Sohan Halwa is a popular Traditional Pakistani Dessert Recipes subcontinent. Multani Sohan Halwa is made by boiling a mixture of sugar, milk, water, and corn flour until it becomes firm. Desi Ghee is always used to prevent it from sticking to the pan. Saffron is used for flavor. Almonds, pistachios and cardamom seeds are added to give it the perfect traditional flavor. Multani Sohan Halwa is traditionally made like a circular disc. Hafiz Halwa's famous shop in Multan is famous for making Sohan Halwa which is sold all over the country. From this page you can access the mouth watering Multani Sohan Halwa recipe online. Don't skip any ingredients when preparing it, so make sure you take note of them all. Make this recipe at home and let us know how it really works.

Multani Sohan Halwa Recipe Ingredients
Multani Sohan Halwa Recipe Ingredients

Multani Sohan Halwa Recipe


Wheat - 500 grams finely chopped porridge

Sugar - 2 kg

Almonds - 125 grams

Walnut kernels - 125 grams

Water - 2 kg

Nutmeg crushed - 1 piece

Crushed small cardamom - 10 pieces

Tartar - 4 grams

Crushed shoes - 1/4 a quarter teaspoon

Yellow - 1/4 teaspoon

Ghee - 500 grams

Multani Sohan Halwa Recipe
Multani Sohan Halwa Recipe

Multani Sohan Halwa Recipe

Soak the chopped wheat in 2 kg of water for one hour. Then add sugar, tartar, nutmeg, jaggery, small cardamom and yellow color in it, add more water and put it on the stove and keep stirring. When it thickens like ghee, add ghee little by little. When the mixture starts to leave ghee and separates from the edges of the pan, grease the surface in a large tray and turn it upside down with the help of a flat spoon. Put walnut kernels and almonds on top. When it cools down, cut them into pieces. Delicious Multani Sohan Halwa Recipe is ready.

Best Multani Sohan Halwa Recipe in Urdu

ملتانی سوہن حلوہ


گندم - 500 گرام باریک کٹی دلیہ

شوگر - 2 کلو

بادام - 125 گرام

اخروٹ کی دانا - 125 گرام

پانی - 2 کلو
جائفل کچل دیا - 1 ٹکڑا

چھوٹی الائچی - 10 ٹکڑے ٹکڑے کر دیئے

ٹارٹری - 4 گرام

جاوتری کا پائوڈر - 1/4 ایک چوتھائی چائے کا چمچ

پیلا - 1/4 چائے کا چمچ

گھی - 500 گرام


پسے ہوئی گندم کو 2 کلو پانی میں 1 گھنٹے کے لئے بھگودیں۔ پھراس میں چینی ، ٹاٹری ، جائفل ، جاوتری ، چھوٹی الائیچی اور زردے کا رنگ بھی شامل کردیں۔ اس میں تھوڑا پانی ڈال کر چولہے پر چڑھا دیں۔ 

مسلسل چمچہ چلاتے رہیں۔ اور جب گندم گل جائے تو گاڑھاسا بن جائے گا۔ اس کے بعد آہستہ آہستی تھوڑا تھوڑا کرکے اس میں دیسی گھی شامل کرتے جائیں۔

 جب اس میں آمیزہ گھی چھوڑنے لگے اور برتن کے کناروں سے الگ ہوجائے۔ تو اُسے کسی بڑے سائز کے ٹرے میں سطح چکنی کرکے اُلٹ دیں اور چپٹے چمچے کی مدد سے سطح کو برابر کرکے اخروٹ کی گری اور ثابت بادام اوپر لگا دیں۔ تھوڑا سا ٹھنڈا ہونے پر ٹکرے کاٹ لیں۔ اب لذت سے بھرپور سوہن حلوہ تیار ہے۔